Hvem er jeg?

Paul Vishal

Medium, Tantra lærer og Reiki master

Paul has been traveling in more than 25 countries, teaching in 10, at festivals, Yoga centers and Tedx talk.

Medium, Reiki master and tantra teacher


Paul is a medium, Reiki Master, Tantra and meditation teacher.

Paul has been traveling in more than 25 countries, teaching in 10, at festivals, Yoga centers and Tedx talk.

He went through intense spiritual practices at a young age with the intention of becoming a monk, then he understood that spirituality and inner transformation is to be experienced wherever we are and whatever life-path we choose, including partnership and family life.

Paul managed to stop the chatting of the mind and found inner silence, from inner silence grew subtle abilities like channeling, the ability to receive precious information (about talents, blocages, past lives...) from a higher Source and being guided in body work and energetical work to best help the healee in his/her Soul journey.

Paul is also a writer and likes to compose and play songs.


Tantra is silence, and Tantra is Presence.

Tantra is presence without the chatting mind, without intentions (in-tensions), and with the transmutation of past wounds and fears.

Tantra is unification with oneself, integration of both the human and the divine. Then comes naturally the integration of the individual into the Universal.

Tantric sexuality is a powerful way to heal, grow and embrace more of our divine Self.

Sexuality is often a very unconscious and wounded part of us, therefore this power must be handled with skills, experience and higher guidance.

Hvilke workshop skal jeg ha?


Tantra is awareness, and awareness is meditation.

We are studying and practicing different techniques for the participants to find their best practice, reach an understanding of meditation, and have a ‘toolbox’ of techniques to be able to be conscious in all the situations of daily life.

We study more specifically how to be conscious of the sexual energy, and guide this force into our energetical body, for growing, healing and expansion.


The sensual energy is like a powerful wave......

That cannot be controlled and should not control us.

But we have the possibility to ride it, and guide this power according to our intentions: to enjoy, to open, to heal, to grow, to rise and fly towards the higher Self.

Conscious sensual touch requires acceptance, being in the present moment, being able to welcome whatever comes, pleasure, divine feelings, as well as blockages and old emotions being released.

Conscious sensual touch requires total awareness, the highest intentions, playfulness, relaxation, and creativity, we are also using breathing techniques, visualizations as well as the power of sound and vibration.


Proper integration is not a luxury, but a key to making the best of your experiences during the Festival.

Tantric work is powerful and may reveal our divine beauty as well as wounds, therefore it may bring unpredictable movements in our emotions, energy, psychology… That needs dedicated time for integration, guidance, and care.

Paul will use his long experience as a healer and Reiki Master to support your process, he will also use his intuition/channeling abilities to guide the group and provide individual support when possible.


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